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MGB RXIII participates in Training on Managing ICT Services in Government ...

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII participated in the Training on Managing Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services in Government Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Framework on September 26-28, 2018 at the DICT Building in Diliman, Quezon City. The training was conducted by the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) Central Office.  It was participated by National Agencies, Local Government Units and stakeholders from the private sector. The following topics were discussed during the training: ICT Service Management and Competency; Performance View of ICT Services Management; ICT Service Management Life Cycle, Processes and Organization; ICT Services Strategy; ICT Services Design; ICT Services Development; ICT Services Support; ICT Services Information Security; ICT Service Desk Guide; and Technologies on ICT Service Management. The aforesaid topics were discussed by Mr. John J. Macasio.  These topics centered on how stakeholders manage ICT computer architecture services properly within the guidance of the continue reading : MGB RXIII participates in Training on Managing ICT Services in Government ITIL Framework

MGB RXIII, CREDO Caraga hold Press Conference

The Philippine Information Agency Caraga Regional Office and reporters from Surigao del Norte media outfits along with Resident Mine Managers, Community Relations Officers and a good number of personnel from Caraga mining companies took part in the activity. Regional Director Roger A. De Dios delivered the Welcome Remarks. In his message, he expressed that the industry is one with the nation in facing the sad scenarios of landslide incidents in Itogon, Benguet and Naga City, Cebu.  Dir. De Dios stated that the recent DENR and MGB issuances of Administrative Orders and Memorandum Circulars are crucial to the improvement of the minerals industry’s policies and guidelines. As a final point, he emphasized that the full cooperation of each and everyone in the minerals industry including the media is needed for the enforcement of these laws. Engr. Brenice Ann M. Gendeve-Castillo, Engineer IV/Chief of MGB RXIII Monitoring and Technical Services Section, presented continue reading : MGB RXIII, CREDO Caraga hold Press Conference

25th Annual Mining Symposium and Exhibits: A testimony to Filipino mining e...

“I call on you, practicing mining professionals, to take an active role in ensuring that the mining industry will make a positive difference in the lives of people and development of communities.” This was the appeal made by DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu in his message during the 25th Annual Mining Symposium and Exhibits on September 6-8, 2018 at the Waterfront Insular Hotel in Lanang, Davao City. With the theme “Mineral Industry: Gateway to Environmental Enhancement, Poverty Reduction and Community Development,” the event served as a venue for Filipino mining engineers to discuss notable developments in the mining industry and present their significant contributions to the fields of environmental enhancement, poverty reduction and community service.  It was hosted by the Mindanao Association of Mining Engineers, a chapter of the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers (PSEM). A considerable number of mining companies took part in the event where best mining practices continue reading : 25th Annual Mining Symposium and Exhibits: A testimony to Filipino mining engineers’ vital role in socioeconomic progress

Orientation Workshop on Guidelines for Compliance Monitoring and Rating/Scorecard of Mining Permits/Contracts
MGB RXIII holds Orientation Workshop on Guidelines for Compliance Monitorin...

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII held a two-day Orientation Workshop on Memorandum Circular No. 2018-02 re: Guidelines for Compliance Monitoring and Rating/Scorecard of Mining Permits/Contracts on September 4-5, 2018 at Parkway Hotel in Surigao City. The activity was conducted to ensure that mining companies will have a clear understanding of the new procedures for monitoring of tenements, safety and health, environmental management, and social development (TSHES) compliance requirements using the revised monitoring checklist and accomplishing the scorecard to determine their level of compliance. It was participated by 135 officers and staff of 29 Caraga mining companies. MGB Caraga Regional Director Roger A. De Dios delivered the welcome remarks in which he gave the participants hints that these checklists and scorecards are more of a quantitative evaluation of the companies’ performances and are much easier to comply. Dir. De Dios emphasized that a 75% rating or higher continue reading : MGB RXIII holds Orientation Workshop on Guidelines for Compliance Monitoring and Rating/Scorecard of Mining Permits/Contracts

25th Annual Mining Symposium and Exhibits: A testimony to Filipino mining e...

“I call on you, practicing mining professionals, to take an active role in ensuring that the mining industry will make a positive difference in the lives of people and development of communities.” This was the appeal made by DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu in his message during the 25th Annual Mining Symposium and Exhibits on September 6-8, 2018 at the Waterfront Insular Hotel in Lanang, Davao City. With the theme “Mineral Industry: Gateway to Environmental Enhancement, Poverty Reduction and Community Development,” the event served as a venue for Filipino mining engineers to discuss notable developments in the mining industry and present their significant contributions to the fields of environmental enhancement, poverty reduction and community service.  It was hosted by the Mindanao Association of Mining Engineers, a chapter of the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers (PSEM). A considerable number of mining companies took part in the event where best mining practices continue reading : 25th Annual Mining Symposium and Exhibits: A testimony to Filipino mining engineers’ vital role in socioeconomic progress

Orientation Workshop on Guidelines for Compliance Monitoring and Rating/Scorecard of Mining Permits/Contracts
MGB RXIII holds Orientation Workshop on Guidelines for Compliance Monitorin...

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII held a two-day Orientation Workshop on Memorandum Circular No. 2018-02 re: Guidelines for Compliance Monitoring and Rating/Scorecard of Mining Permits/Contracts on September 4-5, 2018 at Parkway Hotel in Surigao City. The activity was conducted to ensure that mining companies will have a clear understanding of the new procedures for monitoring of tenements, safety and health, environmental management, and social development (TSHES) compliance requirements using the revised monitoring checklist and accomplishing the scorecard to determine their level of compliance. It was participated by 135 officers and staff of 29 Caraga mining companies. MGB Caraga Regional Director Roger A. De Dios delivered the welcome remarks in which he gave the participants hints that these checklists and scorecards are more of a quantitative evaluation of the companies’ performances and are much easier to comply. Dir. De Dios emphasized that a 75% rating or higher continue reading : MGB RXIII holds Orientation Workshop on Guidelines for Compliance Monitoring and Rating/Scorecard of Mining Permits/Contracts

MGB RXIII participates in Training on Managing ICT Services in Government ...

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII participated in the Training on Managing Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services in Government Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Framework on September 26-28, 2018 at the DICT Building in Diliman, Quezon City. The training was conducted by the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) Central Office.  It was participated by National Agencies, Local Government Units and stakeholders from the private sector. The following topics were discussed during the training: ICT Service Management and Competency; Performance View of ICT Services Management; ICT Service Management Life Cycle, Processes and Organization; ICT Services Strategy; ICT Services Design; ICT Services Development; ICT Services Support; ICT Services Information Security; ICT Service Desk Guide; and Technologies on ICT Service Management. The aforesaid topics were discussed by Mr. John J. Macasio.  These topics centered on how stakeholders manage ICT computer architecture services properly within the guidance of the continue reading : MGB RXIII participates in Training on Managing ICT Services in Government ITIL Framework

MGB RXIII, CREDO Caraga hold Press Conference

The Philippine Information Agency Caraga Regional Office and reporters from Surigao del Norte media outfits along with Resident Mine Managers, Community Relations Officers and a good number of personnel from Caraga mining companies took part in the activity. Regional Director Roger A. De Dios delivered the Welcome Remarks. In his message, he expressed that the industry is one with the nation in facing the sad scenarios of landslide incidents in Itogon, Benguet and Naga City, Cebu.  Dir. De Dios stated that the recent DENR and MGB issuances of Administrative Orders and Memorandum Circulars are crucial to the improvement of the minerals industry’s policies and guidelines. As a final point, he emphasized that the full cooperation of each and everyone in the minerals industry including the media is needed for the enforcement of these laws. Engr. Brenice Ann M. Gendeve-Castillo, Engineer IV/Chief of MGB RXIII Monitoring and Technical Services Section, presented continue reading : MGB RXIII, CREDO Caraga hold Press Conference


MGB RXIII takes part in Inception Workshop on the Integrated Approach in the Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines Project

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII took part in the Inception Workshop on the Integrated Approach in the Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines Project on August 23-24, 2018 at the Almont Inland Resort in Butuan City. The workshop was hosted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  It was participated by Technical Working Groups (TWGs), government agencies (Regions XI & XIII), non-government agencies and members of the academe within Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) clusters. The purpose of the inception workshop was to level off with the stakeholders and to solicit valuable inputs and recommendations regarding the finalization of the project concept and design. The proponent will also conduct technical and scientific studies based on actual and realistic situation through baseline analysis or spatial analysis of the proposed KBA clusters. On August 23, the Assistant Secretary of Biodiversity Management Bureau presented the Rationale of the continue reading : MGB RXIII takes part in Inception Workshop on the Integrated Approach in the Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines Project

MGB RXIII attends Seminar on Property and Supply Management System

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII attended the Seminar on Property and Supply Management System on August 28-31, 2018 in Butuan City. The seminar was conducted by the Commission on Audit Regional Office No. XIII.  Almost 80 participants from various agencies and academic institutions took part in the said activity. The participants included Property/Supply Officers, Property Custodians, Storekeepers and others involved in managing the agency’s office supplies and properties, Budget Officers, members of the Bids and Awards Committee and others involved in the procurement activities, processing of claims, disbursement, financial transactions including certifying and approving officers, members of the GAD Focal Point System and also the Accountants and other personnel of Accounting Unit who are involved in the keeping of accounts and preparation of  the financial statements. Atty. Usmin P. Diamel, COA Regional Director, gave the opening remarks.  He comprehensively discussed the importance of the Supply/Property Officer continue reading : MGB RXIII attends Seminar on Property and Supply Management System

MGB RXIII supports PH-EITI Roadshow

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII supported the PH-EITI Roadshow on August 7, 2018 at Hotel Tavern in Surigao City. With the theme Moving Beyond Transparency: Integrating Extractives Disclosure and Dialogue in Local Development, this year’s event will highlight the Fourth PH-EITI Report and the innovations to mainstream transparency in the extractives as a result of the EITI process.  The event was organized by the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI) in partnership with the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (COMP) and Bantay Kita (BK).  Local stakeholders including local government units, regional offices of national government agencies, extractive companies and associations, civil society organizations and members of the academe and the media participated in the event. Hon. Arturo Carlos A. Egay, Jr., Vice Governor of Surigao del Norte, delivered the Opening Remarks.  “Today, we convene as one continue reading : MGB RXIII supports PH-EITI Roadshow

MGB RXIII plays a part in Caraga Mining Forum

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII played a part in the Caraga Mining Forum on July 26, 2018 at Hotel Tavern, Surigao City. The said forum centred on the theme Benefits from Mining Industry Leading to Inclusive Growth and Authentic Sustainability. It was held on the third day of the 22nd Caraga Business Conference with the theme Convergence towards Sustainable & Inclusive F.A.M.E.++. The forum was an intrinsic part of the event in view of the fact that the minerals industry is one of the major economic drivers of Caraga Region which is dubbed the mining capital of the Philippines.  It was organized by the Surigao Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (SCCI) and the Community Relations, Education & Development Officers Organization (CREDO Caraga), Inc. Trade and industry leaders, mining stakeholders, business students and members of the academe including a good number of local government units, regional continue reading : MGB RXIII plays a part in Caraga Mining Forum

MGB conducts Orientation-Workshop on New MGB Policies and 2018 Mid-Year Management Conference

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau conducted the Orientation-Workshop on New MGB Policies and 2018 Mid-Year Management Conference on July 31 to August 3, 2018 at the Hotel Rembrandt in Quezon City. The activity was participated by technical personnel from the Mine Management Division (MMD) and the Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division (MSESDD) of the Regional Offices. The activity aimed to ensure the efficient monitoring of tenements, safety and health, environmental management and social development (T-SHES) compliance requirements using the revised monitoring checklist as well as accomplishing the scorecard to determine the level of compliance of mining companies.  Similarly, it aimed to orient the MGB technical personnel on the procedure for apprehension and other activities related to DENR efforts to curb illegal mining operations in the country. The MGB Director, Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano, delivered the welcome address during the opening ceremony. He imparted that DENR is collaborating with continue reading : MGB conducts Orientation-Workshop on New MGB Policies and 2018 Mid-Year Management Conference

MGB RXIII Social Development Section carries on with its continuing IEC Campaign on SDMP Manual of Operation

The Social Development Section (SDS) of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII carried on with its continuing Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Campaign on the newly issued Social Development and Management Program-Manual of Operation (SDMP-MOO) of the Regional Office in order for its mining stakeholders to keep abreast of the recent policies and development pertaining to SDMP implementation. As the regulatory agency, it is also imperative for MGB RXIII to orient and capacitate the 2018 newly elected barangay officials as the BLGU is one of the members of the Representatives of the Host and Neighboring Communities (RHNC). The SDMP-MOO was formulated and adopted for the effective implementation of the Social Development and Management Program and Community Development Program.  The day-to-day functional implementation of this MOO is the responsibility of MGB RXIII, mining companies, mineral processing plants, mining communities and all stakeholders involved. The objectives of SDMP/CDP are continue reading : MGB RXIII Social Development Section carries on with its continuing IEC Campaign on SDMP Manual of Operation