Regional Director’s meeting with the Mine Managers in Caraga Region was conducted in January 27, 2016 at MGB R-13 Training Center.
RD Alilo C. Ensomo, Jr. was ordered to be reassigned in MGB Regional Office No. XIII by the DENR Secretary in December 29, 2015. He was assigned in MGB Region-10 in Year 2012 and October of the same year he was transferred to MGB Region-8. In 3-year period of CY2012-2015, new policies had been issued. To gather the opinion of the mine managers relative to the policy implementations of the Office, a meeting was called by RD Ensomo which was attended by the managers/executives of all the operating and under exploration mining companies in Caraga Region.
Presented during the meeting were: 1. Regulatory and reportorial requirements, 2. 2015 Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Award (PMIEA), 3. Issues and concerns regarding the DAO 2015-02, Multipartite Monitoring and MRFC Compositions, 4. SDMP implementations together with the CTWG, and 5. Beefing up the Chamber of Mines in Caraga Region.