The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII carried on with the Coastal Hazards Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping on August 22 to September 2, 2023 in the Municipality of Libjo, Province of Dinagat Islands. A team of four Geologists and one Aide conducted the fieldwork focused on assessing the vulnerability of coastal areas on natural hazards and utilizing analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from various factors and/or parameters related to coastal vulnerability. The parameters of the assessment include shoreline change, landform characteristics, coastal slope, mean tidal range, presence of natural barriers, presence of hard engineering defenses and coastline alignment relative to storm wave direction. The said assessment is the seventh target for CY 2023. The objective of the assessment necessitates the classification of each area, and the assignment of a ranking from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) to every evaluated parameter. Weighted analysis shall be conducted continue reading : MGB ROXIII carries on with Coastal Hazards Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in Libjo, Province of Dinagat Islands
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII, in cooperation with the Chamber of Mines of Caraga Region Incorporated, Philippine Society of Mining Engineers Caraga Chapter, Community Relations, Education and Development Officers Organization-Caraga, Inc. and mining councils, held the first-ever Caraga Resilient Mining Week (CRMW) on July 24 to 28, 2023 at the Philippine Gateway Hotel in Surigao City. With the theme Responsible Mining – Pathway to Community Resilience, the game changing event aimed to bring together stakeholders from Caraga Region to engage across a weeklong series of activities that are designed to foster stronger collaboration, ignite relevant conversations and chart a new path towards climate change and disaster resilience for the industry, the community, and the country as a whole – all anchored on the principles of responsible mining. The Caraga Resilient Mining Week comprised the following four key activities: Professional Development Sessions – lectures and talks that continue reading : Caraga Resilient Mining Week: Elevating Responsible Mining and Stronger Collaboration towards Community Resilience