The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII, in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No. XIII and Community Relations, Education and Development Officers Organization-Caraga, Inc., organized the Training of Trainers on Problem Tree Analysis and Design Thinking Concepts for Community Relations Officers and Supported People’s Organizations on October 22, 2024 at the Provincial Research, Innovation, and Science Museum (PRISM) in Surigao City, Surigao del Norte. Focused on Technology Needs Assessment and Problem Analysis using the Problem and Objective Tree Analysis Tool, the training aimed to systematically identify community gaps and prioritize them to achieve the Social Development and Management Program goals as well as introduce DOST technologies for adoption through a technology matching activity. By: MARIE PENNELOPE E. FANGAdministrative Officer IV

The Chemists of Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII participated in the 38th Philippine Chemistry Congress and 2024 International Conference on Chemistry on July 22 to 24, 2024 at the SMX Convention Center in Davao City. The theme of this year’s event is CHEMINNOVATION: Sustaining a Better Tomorrow – New Ideas, New Developments, New Technologies. Spearheaded by the Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas (The Chemical Society of the Philippines), the event gathered scientists and researchers from the academe, industry, and government who shared a common interest in chemistry and its application in various fields. The conference comprised plenary and parallel sessions, exhibits and poster viewings, eco-tours, equipment supplier presentations and marketing. Topics on chemistry innovations in the following branches of knowledge were featured: Analytical and Surface Science Natural Products Physical Chemistry and Instrumentation Synthetic Science Electrochemistry Inorganic Chemistry Materials Science and Nanoscience Chemometric Science Polymers Environmental Science Food Nuclear continue reading : MGB ROXIII Chemists participate in 38th Philippine Chemistry Congress and 2024 International Conference on Chemistry