The Mines and Geosciences Bureau conducted the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Employees Association Continuing Employees Welfare Program and Benefits Forum (Series VI) on May 17 to 19, 2023 at the Swiss-Belhotel Blulane in Sta. Cruz, Manila.

The theme of this year’s forum is Building a Healthy and Productive MGB Workforce through a Sustained Workplace Wellness Program. It was spearheaded by the MGBEA National Chapter and participated by Officers of MGBEA National, Central and Regional Chapters. The three-day event aimed to introduce and promote the basic concepts and principles of Workplace Wellness to strengthen the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) provisions on Employees Welfare and Development.

Day One focused on the lecture presentations (re-echo of CSC-CSI Course) on the Eight (8) Dimensions of Workplace Wellness given by the selected MGBEA National Officers. These dimensions are physical, mental/emotional, occupational health and safety, social/community, career, spiritual, financial, and intellectual.

A continuation of the lectures on Workplace Wellness Dimensions took place on Day Two of the forum, which will form part of the new CNA covering CY 2023-2026. A workshop to draft the MGB Workplace Wellness Program ensued after the lectures. The purpose of the program is to foster employees’ engagement and strengthen organizational culture that will boost an inspired and productive MGB workforce. On Day Three, the groups of participants presented their respective outputs on the proposed activities for the MGB Workplace Wellness Program. In the afternoon, the MGBEA Officers evaluated and deliberated on the proposed CNA.  The draft CNA will be forwarded to the Regional Offices for comments of the Regional MGB-MGBEA Consultative Committee which was created for the smooth implementation and monitoring of the CNA. The finalized document will be ratified by all MGBEA members from the regional and national levels, thus making the document officially valid.


Senior Science Research Specialist