As of June 30, 2022, the issuance of Ore Transport Permit (OTP) and Mineral Ore Export Permit (MOEP) posted a 21.92% and 26.69% decline or equivalent to 235 and 195 released permits, from last year’s 301 and 266, respectively.
The decrease in number of OTP/MOEP issuance of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII for the first semester of CY 2022 was affected when the mining companies lowered their monthly target of OTP/MOEP application due to unfavorable weather condition and lethargic market, particularly manifested by export of nickel ore per shipment-related documents received by this Office.
OTP and MOEP issuance dropped down for the first quarter of CY 2022 despite the high metal price during the period. The highest noted decline was in the month of March when issued OTP and MOEP accounted for only 28 and 21, respectively, compared to 56 OTPs and 50 MOEPs for CY 2021. The recorded 50% and 58% decrease is attributed to extended rainy season brought about by La Niña that hit the region at that time. On a positive note, the government revenue collection in the form of excise tax for the first semester of this year has increased by 18.69% or equivalent to PhP1.18 Billion, from last year’s PhP966 Million, due to high metal price particularly in the first quarter of CY 2022.

Engineer III
Photographs by Engr. Ernesto C. Calzar