The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII, in coordination with Caraga State University and Community Relations, Education and Development Officers Organization-Caraga, Inc., conducted the Official Launching and Workshop on ICT4RM 2.0 for Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) on August 25, 2023 at the Philippine Gateway Hotel in Surigao City.
Online SDMP is a web-based application that collects information on the Mining Company’s project/program/activity (PPA). It will automate the process of submission, approval and validation.
The SDMP system aims to:
- simplify the workload of the MGB and mining personnel;
- automate any reports required;
- have a dashboard for displaying the P/P/A per barangay, municipality and province;
- have a database of all SDMP projects in the region;
- have a database of all the uploaded attachment per P/P/A; and
- facilitate the evaluation of the P/P/As.
Community Relations Officers of the following mining firms took part in the activity:
- AAMPHIL Natural Resources Exploration and Development Corporation
- ADFIL Corporation
- Adnama Mining Resources Incorporated
- Agata Mining Ventures Incorporated
- Cagdianao Mining Corporation
- Comet Mining Exploration Corporation
- Carrascal Nickel Corporation
- Century Peak Corporation
- CTP Construction and Mining Corporation
- Equi-Parco Construction Company
- Greenstone Resources Corporation
- Hinatuan Mining Corporation (Tagana-an Nickel Project)
- Krominco Incorporated
- Kafugan Mining Incorporated
- Libjo Mining Corporation
- Marcventures Mining and Development Corporation
- Mindanao Mineral Processing and Refining Corporation
- Oriental Vision Mining Philippines Corporation (Palhi Project)
- Pacific Cement Philippines Incorporated
- Platinum Group Metals Corporation
- Philsaga Mining Corporation
- Pacific Nickel Philippines Incorporated
- Stagno Mining Corporation
- Silangan Mindanao Mining Company Inc.
- Sinosteel Philippines H. Y. Mining Corporation
- SR Metals Incorporated
- Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation
- Taganito Mining Corporation
- Westernshore Nickel Corporation
* ICT4RM stands for Information and Communication Technology for Responsible Mining.