The Mines and Geosciences Bureau held a four-day Information and Communications Technology Strategic Planning Workshop for FY 2022-2025 on September 20-21 and 23-24, 2021 through the MGB Virtual Platform, Microsoft Teams.
The workshop aimed to finalize the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Plan for FY 2022 and Proposed ICT Plan for FY 2023-2025. Information Technology Personnel, Information and Communications Technology Focal Persons, Planning Officers, Budget Officers, Property Custodians, Heads of Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat, Document Controllers, Information Technology Specialists, and Computer Maintenance Technologists participated in the said workshop.
The opening part of the workshop was the presentation of the 2020 MGB ICT Accomplishments and Projects Update. The MGB Central Office and MGB Regional Offices took turns in updating the body of the important ICT projects that were deployed and implemented in their respective offices. As for MGB Regional Office No. XIII, the 2020 ICT accomplishments were presented by Mr. Christopher N. Castillon, IT Specialist. The said presentation highlighted the in-line technological advancement in new normal operations and its positive impacts on easing the conduct of doing office transactions.
Mr. Jeffrey Ledesma, Information Technology Officer I of MGB Planning, Policy, and International Affairs Division (MGB-PPIAD), presented an update on the MGB ICT Budget for FY 2022. Further, he discussed the background on how the budget was approved and how the changes will impact the Final ICT Plan next year. Various ICT concerns were also raised by the participants in connection with the discussion.
The workshop then proceeded to breakout sessions. Each group tackled different ICT Standardization Items such as ICT-Property, Plant and Equipment Capital Outlay, Printer and Scanner Inventory, Semi-Expendables and Supplies, and ICT Consultancy. The output of the said sessions were used in creating the Final ICT Plan for FY 2022.
Part of the workshop programme was a brief hands-on training in the use of MGB Digital Approval System using Adobe Sign. This is a breakthrough technology in that priority documents that need signatures can be signed anywhere using the internet. Also, participants were updated on the status of various Information System Development being programmed in-house and outsourced, some of which are in planning, development, and beta-testing at the MGB Central Office. These systems are aimed at paperless transactions and ease of doing business, pursuant to the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007.
Lastly, the MGB-PPIAD discussed the proposed additional plantilla positions in MGB Central Office and Regional Offices, wherein the Information and Communications Technology Management Division in MGB Central Office was proposed to harmonize the ICT planning, research, development, and support to operation activities in the bureau.