In its efforts to foster quality laboratory performance, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau conducted the Training Course on Awareness of PNS ISO/IEC 17025 : 2015, Review of Basic Metrology, and Hands-on Training on Volume Calibration and Intermediate Check on August 5-9, 2019 at the MGB Central Office Multipurpose Building in Quezon City.
With the theme “Enhancing Capabilities and Bridging Gaps Towards Effective Laboratory Performance,” the said trainings and review were spearheaded by the Petrochemistry Unit of Geological Laboratory Services Section under the Lands Geological Survey Division of MGB Central Office. Chemists, Senior Science Research Specialists, Geologists, Senior Environmental Management Specialists and Laboratory Technicians from the MGB Central Office and Regional Offices (Cordillera Administrative Region, RO No. IV-A, RO No. V, RO No. VII, RO No. XII and RO No. XIII) participated in the activities.
With these intensive trainings and review, the participants gained a clear understanding of the philosophy and provisions of Philippine National Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 which will enable them to implement a system in their organizations that meets the requirements of the standard. Similarly, they gained an enhanced awareness of the laboratory accreditation process and the concept of quality management system of testing and calibration laboratories.
The lectures, discussions, group activities and workshops and open forum were facilitated by the resource speaker, Mr. Admer Rey C. Dablio, RCh from the Standard and Testing Division under the Industrial Technology Development Institute of the Department of Science and Technology.
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is the Standard for Laboratory Competence. This standard was developed with the purpose of promoting confidence in the operation of laboratories. It enables laboratories to demonstrate that they are technically competent, taking into account impartiality and confidentiality, and are able to generate technically valid results.
The new standard expects the laboratory to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities. Although addressing risks and opportunities is the laboratory’s responsibility, the standard sets specific requirements. Improvement includes feedback from customers. The new standard is structured as follows:
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Clause 4 – General requirements
Clause 5 – Structural requirements
Clause 6 – Resource requirements
Clause 7 – Process requirements
Clause 8 – Management requirements
- Annex A – Metrological Traceability (Informative)
- Annex B – Management System (Informative)
- Bibliography

The participants took part in discussions on Basic Metrology and Calibration and Measurement Uncertainty Budgets. In addition, a hands-on training on volume calibration for glassware and intermediate check were undertaken.
Metrology is a science of measurement and its application. The need for standard is to define the units and scales in use and allow comparison of measurements made in different times and places. In relation thereto, calibration determines the performance characteristic of an instrument or reference material.
Towards the end of the activities, it was concluded that readiness is a factor in applying for PNS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation. A gap assessment between the existing quality system and the requirements in the standard must be conducted. There is a great need to calibrate laboratory apparatus/ equipment in order to ensure that readings of the instruments are consistent with other measurements. This will determine the accuracy of the instrument readings and establish the reliability of the instrument. Streamlining of the management’s documentation must include updates on existing policies and procedures.
At the Closing Program, Ms. Jocelyn C. Villanueva, OIC of Geological Laboratory Services Section, announced that there will be another upcoming laboratory training.