In connection with the MGB Net Project of the Information System Section under the supervision of Planning, Policy and International Affairs Division implemented in June 2017, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau conducted the Training on Networking and Finalization of the Information System Strategic Plan (ISSP) 2018-2020 with the theme “One IT, One Network, and One MGB” on July 17-21, 2017 at Brentwood Suites in Quezon City which was attended by Regional ICT Focal Persons and IT Specialists.
The training started with a short program wherein the Assistant Director, Atty. Danilo U. Uykieng, welcomed the participants with inspiring words which envisioned the theme of One IT, One Network, and One MGB. It was then followed by the opening remarks of Engr. Glenn Marcelo C. Noble to further strengthen the theme concept.
During the introduction, Mr. Jeffrey S. Ledesma of Information System Section under the Planning, Policy and International Affairs Division presented the house rules and objectives of the training. The aforesaid training was aimed at the following objectives: 1. To participate in the IT Specialist Competency Assessment Program Examination from DICT, Competency Management Service; 2. To be aware of what Mithi is all about regarding the process of having ISSP; 3. To know better the mandate of DICT with respect to ISSP in every National Government Unit budgetary purposes; 4. To know more of networking specifically the present network infrastructures that the MGB Net is using; 5. To become familiarized with the Sophos hardware firewall firmware dashboard; 6. To be acquainted with Bitdefender Security Tool cloud base dashboard; 7. To standardize the ICT inventory vis-à-vis the ISSP; 8. To adopt and implement the regionwide Internet Acceptable Used Policy; and 9. To keep abreast with new technological products up for grabs on tech talk time.
On the course of IT Specialist Competency Assessment examination, almost all participants have taken the examination to assist in the present capabilities of IT personnel assigned in each Regional Office including the Central Office. This signifies that passing the said examination is equivalent to passing the Civil Service Commission Professional Eligibility pursuant to PD 1408.
The DICT representative also discussed the conceptual framework on how the ISSP is being done which is crucial to local and national agency ICT budgetary measures.
Engr. Raul Ocampo of InfoBahn Communication, Inc. thoroughly discussed the concepts of data communication and networking in relation to the network infrastructures established in every Regional Office and these include the HP Aruba core switch, HP Office Connect edge switch, Super Micro server computer, Sophos hardware firewall, and Bitdefender endpoint security tool. Furthermore, he explained the cloud base firmware dashboard of such devices.
Towards the end of the training, Mr. Jeffrey S. Ledesma introduced a standard matrix on how to come up with the formula to evaluate and assess the past, present, and future ICT Inventory in accordance with the ISSP framework. He also discussed the possible outcome of the aforesaid training particularly the possibility of upgrading the present MGB Net Infrastructure.