MGB ROXIII holds Media Forum on Mining Concerns

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII held the Media Forum on Mining Concerns on February 3, 2022 at the Butuan Grand Palace Hotel in Butuan City. The forum is an initiative of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and is conducted in regions with priority mining projects.  Caraga is the fourth region to conduct the said activity.  On the same note, the forum featured recent MGB policies and projects of the minerals industry. The significant contributions of the minerals industry as a major economic driver and recovery option amidst the pandemic were underscored.  The forum started with a very engaging Welcome Remarks by DENR Caraga Assistant Regional Director for Technical Services, For. Maritess M. Ocampo.  It was followed by Inspirational Messages delivered by MGB Director Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano and DENR Undersecretary for Attached Agencies, Mining and Muslim Affairs Jim O. Sampulna. At the forum, the continue reading : MGB ROXIII holds Media Forum on Mining Concerns

Mining firms and MGB come together to assist victims of Super Typhoon Odette

Mining firms within and outside Caraga Region and the Mines and Geosciences Bureau came together to give relief assistance to victims of Super Typhoon Odette in the Provinces of Surigao del Norte and Dinagat Islands. Scores of affected communities have reaped benefits from the relief efforts and other means of support of the Caraga mining firms and other mining firms from other regions. The much-needed assistance came in the forms of financial aid, food supplies (rice, assorted canned goods and grocery items) and packs, mineral/purified water, mosquito nets, waterproof canvas (trapal) and construction materials (GI sheets and other supplies).  Mining firms have also provided lorries to ration water for domestic use to barangays and even diesel fuel for generator sets. At the same time, mining firms have provided the necessary manpower, equipment and utility vehicles to carry out rescue as well as clearing operations to remove materials obstructing the roads continue reading : Mining firms and MGB come together to assist victims of Super Typhoon Odette

Caraga Metallic Mineral Sales for CY 2021: Significant contributor to national economic development

The Caraga mining industry has significantly contributed to the country’s economic development as well as the foreign-exchange earnings through the mineral exports. As the mining season for the majority of nickel/iron mines in the region ends on the 4th quarter of every year considering the climatic condition of the region, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII would like to present the partial and unreconciled Metallic Mineral Resources Data on Sales of the seventeen (17) Nickel mines, one (1) Gold with Silver mines, and one (1) processing plant. The following shows the details of the Metallic Mineral Resources Data on Sales of the operating/producing mines covering the period of CY 2021: Mineral Commodity No. of Shipments Actual Volume Gross Sales Value (in PhP) Nickeliferous Ore 640 35,933,190.94 WMT PhP52,746,374,264.95 Gold Doré 20 1,961.61 kg PhP5,883,814,994.51 Silver Doré 20 1,900.15 kg PhP81,225,948.26 Nickel/Cobalt Mixed Sulfides 10 48,174.59 WMT PhP19,806,829,580.11 continue reading : Caraga Metallic Mineral Sales for CY 2021: Significant contributor to national economic development

MGBEA Region XIII Chapter holds Webinar on Instilling Accountability and Integrity in Civil Servants

In celebration of the 2021 Mining Month and the 123rd Mines and Geosciences Bureau Founding Anniversary, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Employees Association Region XIII Chapter held the Webinar on Instilling Accountability and Integrity in Civil Servants on November 26, 2021 at the MGB Regional Office No. XIII Training Center. In adherence to the theme of this year’s MGB Founding Anniversary which is Responsableng Pagmimina, Tungkulin Ko, Gobyerno at Industriya, the webinar aimed to remind MGB Regional Office No. XIII employees that civil servants and public officials are expected to preserve the public’s trust and confidence in government by demonstrating the highest standards of professional competence, efficiency and effectiveness; upholding the Constitution and the laws; and seeking the advancement of the public good at all times.   To do so, the need to have a set of moral values that will serve as motivations that spur one to perform and excel continue reading : MGBEA Region XIII Chapter holds Webinar on Instilling Accountability and Integrity in Civil Servants

MGB Stakeholders’ Forum: Strengthening partnerships and fostering national progress

In keeping with the 2021 Mining Month Celebration, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau conducted the Stakeholders’ Forum entitled #MineResponsibility: Know MINE, Know LIFE on November 18 to 19, 2021 via Zoom Platform and Facebook Live. The forum aimed to intensify the awareness of participants on the salient features of recent policies and developments issued by MGB in order to strengthen partnerships with stakeholders and foster the promotion of responsible mining for national progress. On the first day of the forum, MGB Director Wilfredo G. Moncano formally welcomed the participants while Usec. Jim O. Sampulna, DENR Undersecretary for Enforcement, Mining, and Muslim Affairs, and Asec. Nonita S. Caguioa, DENR Assistant Secretary for Finance, Information Systems and Mining Concerns delivered inspirational messages. The forum featured the following presentations from the minerals industry as well as from the MGB Central Office: Telling Our Story ― Communicating Responsible Mining to Non-MinersMr. Jose Bayani D. continue reading : MGB Stakeholders’ Forum: Strengthening partnerships and fostering national progress

MGB ROXIII spearheads SHES Manual Roll-out

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. XIII spearheaded the Safety and Health, Environment and Social Development (SHES) Manual Roll-out on November 11-12, 2021 via Zoom Platform.    The two-day activity aimed to capacitate the participants in line with the program outlines and guidelines of the said manual in compliance with MGB Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2021-006 in order to ensure a standardized implementation of management measures in addressing the safety and health, environmental and social attributes inherent in exploration/mining/mineral processing operations. The said activity was attended by Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division (MSESDD) and Mine Management Division (MMD) personnel of MGB Regional Office Nos. III and XIII who are expected to be equipped with the program outlines and guidelines of the said manual virtually discussed by the technical personnel of MGB Central Office.   The program formally commenced with the Welcome Remarks of Engr. Marcial H. continue reading : MGB ROXIII spearheads SHES Manual Roll-out

Caraga MRFC meetings and MMT inspections: Pressing on with public service amidst the pandemic

The Mine Rehabilitation Fund Committees (MRFCs) and the Multi-partite Monitoring Teams (MMTs) of Caraga mining companies have pressed on with their respective duties by conducting regular and special meetings and inspections amidst the pandemic. It may be recalled that the MRFC is a body that consists of private and public entities. One of its major duties and responsibilities is to ensure that the approved Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP)/Annual EPEP (AEPEP) of the mining and mineral processing projects shall be strictly implemented. The MRFC deputizes the MMT as its monitoring arm.  The MRFC meetings and MMT inspections are regularly conducted quarterly for operating companies and semi-annually for non-operating companies. The unprecedented effects of the pandemic, which include a series of lockdowns and quarantine protocols, hampered the conduct of the meetings and inspections.  In response to the current situation, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) released Regional Memorandum Order (RMO) continue reading : Caraga MRFC meetings and MMT inspections: Pressing on with public service amidst the pandemic

MGB ROXIII, CREDO Caraga, Inc. sign Memorandum of Agreement on Caraga Mining and Geosciences Library

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Regional Office No. XIII and the Community Relations, Education and Development Officers Organization-Caraga, Inc. (CREDO-Caraga, Inc.), in partnership with the Caraga minerals industry, have signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on the co-management and turnover of the Caraga Mining and Geosciences Library on November 19, 2021 at the MGB Regional Office No. XIII in Surigao City. Present during the MOA signing were Engr. Larry M. Heradez, OIC-Regional Director; Engr. Francis Glenn N. Suante, Officer-In-Charge of Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division; and Mr. Elecito E. Escuyos, Chief of Social Development Section.  From the minerals industry, Mr. Alex C. Arabis, Community Relations Manager of Platinum Group Metals Corporation and  CREDO-Caraga, Inc. President, and Ms. Nissi Aline S. Alvarez, Information, Education, Communication Officer of Taganito Mining Corporation and CREDO-Caraga, Inc. Secretary, took part in the activity. The establishment of the Caraga Mining and Geosciences Library continue reading : MGB ROXIII, CREDO Caraga, Inc. sign Memorandum of Agreement on Caraga Mining and Geosciences Library

PMRB Agusan del Sur and Contract Holders sign Small-Scale Mining Contracts

The Provincial Mining Regulatory Board (PMRB) of Agusan del Sur and Contract Holders signed the Small-Scale Mining Contracts (SSMCs) of Rosario Manobo Tribal Association (ROMATRA), Lilibeth R. Tion (LRT) and VPO Enterprise and Gold Processing (VPOEGP) under the Declared Minahang Bayan of Masabong Village Small-Scale Miners Association, Inc. (MAVISSMA) on November 12, 2021 at the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Regional Office No. XIII in Surigao City. MGB Caraga OIC-Regional Director and PMRB Chair of Agusan del Sur, Engr. Larry M. Heradez, together with Mr. Ryan N. Canal, authorized representative of ROMATRA; Ms. Lilibeth R. Tion; and Mr. Vivencio P. Ocite, Jr., signed the second and last renewal of the SSMCs which are all situated within the Declared Minahang Bayan area of MAVISSMA located in Bgry. Bayugan 3, Rosario, Agusan del Sur. MAVISSMA is one of the first Minahang Bayan areas in the country which was declared through PMRB Resolution continue reading : PMRB Agusan del Sur and Contract Holders sign Small-Scale Mining Contracts

New MGBEA Region XIII Chapter Officers take oath of office

The new Mines and Geosciences Bureau Employees Association (MGBEA) Region XIII Chapter Officers took their oath of office before OIC-Regional Director Larry M. Heradez on October 22, 2021 at the MGB Regional Office No. XIII in Surigao City.     Below is the roster of MGBEA Region XIII Chapter Officers for CY 2021-2023: President  CHRISTIE A. APALE Vice President MARIE PENNELOPE E. FANG Secretary MARY LUZ E. POMOY Assistant Secretary MELYN B. DELAMEDE Treasurer JUSRIT ELVIE B. SEGUIS Assistant Treasurer LIZA P. COROTAN Auditor MARGIE ANN P. ENSOMO-ABULENCIA  Assistant Auditor MELVIN A. MANTILLA PRO ERNESTO C. CALZAR Assistant PRO LILIBETH P. GIMOTO The MGBEA is a national organization guided by the principles of equality, fraternity and democracy.  As stated in its Declaration of Principles, the MGBEA is the realization of the employees’ exercise of the right to self-organization, as provided for under the provisions of the Philippine Constitution and the pertinent continue reading : New MGBEA Region XIII Chapter Officers take oath of office