The Mine Rehabilitation Fund Committees (MRFCs) and the Multi-partite Monitoring Teams (MMTs) of Caraga mining companies have carried on with their respective duties by conducting regular and special meetings and inspections amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It may be recalled that the MRFC is a body that consists of private and public entities. One of its major duties and responsibilities is to ensure that the approved Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP)/Annual EPEP (AEPEP) of the mining and mineral processing projects shall be strictly implemented. The MRFC deputizes the MMT as its monitoring arm. The MRFC meetings and MMT inspections are regularly conducted quarterly for operating companies and semi-annually for non-operating companies. The unprecedented effects of the pandemic, which include a series of lockdowns and quarantine protocols, hampered the conduct of the meetings and inspections. In response to the current situation, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) released Regional Memorandum Order continue reading : Caraga MRFC meetings and MMT inspections carry on amidst the pandemic