In an effort to carry on with its intensive reforestation program, Caraga mining firms have planted a total of 1,435,442 seedlings and reforested more than 751.96 hectares of mined-out areas, buffer zones, mangroves and other applicable planting sites in CY 2019. Caraga mining firms have implemented the Mining Forest Program (MFP) pursuant to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order (DAO) No. 22, series of 1989. The MFP, originally the Adopt-A-Tree Adopt-A-Mining Forest Program, was initiated in 1989 and requires the establishment of mining forests within mined-out areas, waste dumps, denuded and sparsely vegetated lands and areas adopted by the mining firms through a Memorandum of Agreement. As of December 2019, twenty-nine (29) mining firms have planted a total area of 8,269 hectares with more than 12 billion seedlings of indigenous and exotic species including mangrove propagules since the MFP started in the region back in 1990. continue reading : Caraga mining firms planted 1.43 million seedlings for 2019 Mining Forest Program