The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) held its 1st Quarter Management Conference on January 8-11, 2019 at the Bayview Hotel in Manila. The said conference was called for by the MGB Central Office to have in-depth reviews and discussions about the following: 2018 Year-end Assessment. The Central Office and Regional Offices each presented their physical and financial accomplishments for the calendar year in review. 2019 Action Planning. A break-out session per division was undertaken to discuss and address issues and concerns in the implementation of existing targets and activities; standardize new activities being programmed for the succeeding years; and evaluate potential adjustment of target and projects and programs to align with the changing priority thrusts and directives of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) top management and new rules and regulations imposed by other National Agencies. Outputs were presented in the plenary session for resolution and continue reading : MGB holds 1st Quarter Management Conference